Receive a free Advance Reader Copy eBook of Nightshade Unicorn 2: Guardian

Join my Advance Reader Copy (ARC) group to read Nightshade Unicorn 2: Guardian ahead of its public launch!

Not much before launch, unfortunately, but it is what it is. I'll send out ARCs on October 15. Launch day is October 25. Don't sweat it if your review doesn't come on launch day. The more and sooner, the better, but I'll take what I can get.

I would really appreciate an honest review on Amazon or on Goodreads once the book launches. (Fast readers appreciated, but all readers are equally welcome!) While that is why I'm giving away free copies, leaving a review is not actually required.

If you want to ARC read book 2 but haven't read book 1, let me know at and I can send you an electronic copy now!

I will use this list to send messages concerning ARC for Nightshade Unicorn 2: Guardian, to send you the eBook itself, and to send you an invitation to beta read and/or ARC read book 3 when that becomes available. I won't use this list for anything else.

Thanks for everything in advance!

-T.S. Pedramon