Beta Read Nightshade Unicorn 2: Guardian

Hail, adventurer! You are enlisting to read Nightshade Unicorn 2: Guardian in its incomplete form!

Beta reading is an important part of publishing a book. I need your feedback to put the finishing touches on this creation and present it to the world in its final form.

Beta reader copies will be sent digitally, slated for September 24, 2024. I am on a tight timeline, and will ask for whatever feedback you can provide after two weeks, on October 8th. Don't be daunted if you don't think you can finish in two weeks; I'll take whatever you can offer. Then I will consider all the feedback I get, make adjustments as necessary, and [very quickly!] prepare for publication.

If you want to beta read book 2 but haven't read book 1, let me know at and I can send you an electronic copy now!

I will use this email list to send messages concerning beta reading Nightshade Unicorn 2: Guardian (and offer an Advance Reader Copy of the final version), to send you the eBook itself, and to send you an invitation to beta read and/or ARC read book 3 when that becomes available. I won't use this list for anything else.

Thanks for everything in advance!

-T.S. Pedramon